Problem with a PPT presentation merged with ASPOSE PPT

We created this file by merging together 4 small Powerpoint Presentations into one Powerpoint file using Aspose.Powerpoint.

All the merging worked well, the only problem is that the final presentation displays properly in Powerpoint 97, but two slides show up blank in Powerpoint 2000. The originals were all created in Powerpoint 2000.

All of the 4 smaller files are viewable in Powerpoint 2000 and 97, and If i paste them all together by hand, the final handmade file displays properly in Powerpoint 2000 and 97.

So, i figure it must be something going on with the ClonseSlide method, because when we do it by hand, everything is fine.

I have attached the file. Any idea what is going on?

Big thanks…

We did some further research into this issue, and it looks like it is slide #13 that is causeing the problem. It has two text boxes in the slide, as opposed to the other slides that have one… That may help track down the problem…


Hello? Anyone?

The developer of Aspose.PowerPoint, Alexey, is living in Russia so now he is sleeping. Smile

If you’re really urgent, please add his IM contacts at then when he gets up, you can catch him.

Thanks for your understanding.

No problem, here is what the final output should look like (created by copying/pasting 4 smaller presentations together)…


Alex, here are the 4 original source files, zipped up…

Thanks again and good morning from Canada.



Thank you for the files, I will check it and fix problem asap.

FYI, here is the code/algorithm that creates the merged file:

We find the first file (topbun) and open it

fis = New FileStream(SlidePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
MainPresentation = New Presentation(fis)fis.Close()

Then, for each sequential .ppt file, they are added one at a time to an object
SlidePresentation and then added to MainPresentation

For i = 1 To SlidePresentation.Slides.LastSlidePosition
Dim TempSlide As Slide = SlidePresentation.GetSlideByPosition(i)
If Not TempSlide Is Nothing Then
SlidePresentation.CloneSlide(TempSlide, MainPresentation.Slides.LastSlidePosition + 1, MainPresentation, temp)
End If

and at then we ouput the merged file:

fout = New FileStream(OutputFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)

Hope this helps…