Problem with Coverting the MSword doc to pdf

Hi ,
I have a problem with converting the word to pdf. Here I am attaching the word document input file and my output pdf file. I am using 10.3.0 version.Can you please look into this.

Hi Rao,
Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I sent the PDF produce on my side to your e-mail.
Do you perform some pre-processing of your document before exporting it to PDF? Also, could you please attach all fonts used in your document?
Best regards,

Hi ,
Do you perform some pre-processing of your document before exporting it to PDF?
I am not performing any pre-processing before exporting to PDF.
I am attaching my Fonts as a zip file. Can you please try with my Fonts.

Thanks for your request. In your generated PDF I see the following fonts: CCHBold10, CCHBold14, CCHCondensed8, CCHCourier10, CCHNormal6 and CCHnormal8. Please attach these fonts here for testing.
Best regards,

Hi ,
Here are the Fonts. Let me know if you need any more information.

Thank you for additional information. But unfortunately, I still cannot reproduce the problem on my side. After installing the fonts, the document is rendered even better. Please see the attached file.
Best regards,

Useful information shared here as i’m new to this forum but i found some important information.

Why is your attachment inaccessible in post 321865? I’m having the same problem but I can’t seem to get the font you attached, which are the exact ones I need. Thanks!


Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Words. Please visit the following link to learn about support policies:
I also have mailed you required fonts.
Best Regards,

Nabeel Ahmad

Hi Bruin,
Thanks for your request. Could you please describe your problem in more details and attach your sample documents? We will check your issue and provide you more information.
Best regards,

I’m all good now. I got the fonts and that solved the problem for me.

For anyone else having a fundamentally similar problem, but with different fonts, I found this really neat post that talks about extracting fonts which are embedded in PDF files. I tried this method and it also worked, so I highly recommend it in cases where you can’t find the font files elsewhere.

It is perfect, that you already resolved the problem. Please let us know in case of any issues. We will be glad to help you.
And thank you for sharing your experience.
Best regards,