Problem with legend object

dear support,

I am using version of aspose.cells and found a problem with the Legend object.

Attached you will find a spreadhseet. I am using following code to remove a few items from the legend :

Dim w As New Aspose.Cells.Workbook(“Template_1_1.xlsx”)
Dim s As Aspose.Cells.Worksheet = w.Worksheets(1)
Dim c As Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart = s.Charts(0)
Dim lec As Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntryCollection = c.Legend.LegendEntries

now I observe following entries whilst debugging
lec.count = 4 ( this should be 4 !! )
lec(0)… exists
lec(88)… also exists ???

so it seems to me there is something wrong with the legend.legendentries object.

thank you


sorry, during debugging…

lec.count = 8 and not 4 as I indicated above ( in reality it is 4 )

dear support,

I think I have reoslved the above.
I can access the legend data through the chart’s Nseries().legendentry object, which is properly dimensioned.

A separate question : how is it possible to hide a particular series in a chart ?

thanks for your much appreciated support


Hi Guido,

Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

Are you looking for this feature as mentioned in this thread?

( How to make series invisible in charting )

We are afraid, this feature is not supported as yet. However, if you need it, then we will also attach the same issue with this thread and add your request too for it in our database.