It seems that when working with PDFs with version 2, saving the changed PDF creates a corrupt PDF file.
I have created a demo where I apply some stamping and saving twice and after the first save operation the PDF is corrupt (when the PDF version is 2 - when it is an older version all goes well).
I have the project and the file attached.
Just drag and drop the PDF file on the application window while debugging.
You will see the exception thrown.
No errors occur when using older PDF versions.
20190507 Notat Afkast og opfølgning.pdf (300.7 KB) (10.2 KB)
Thanks for contacting support.
We have logged an issue as PDFNET-46453 in our issue tracking system for the sake of further investigation. We will surely look into details of this issue and keep you informed with its rectification status. Please be patient and spare us little time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Can you give us an update of PDFNET-46453’s status?
Regretfully the ticket has not been yet resolved due to low priority. It was logged under a free support model and will be investigated on a first come first serve basis. We will surely let you know as soon as we have some definite updates regarding ticket resolution. Please spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-46453) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 22.2.