Provide API to get set Theme Name

Dear Aspose,

I have a similar request and would like to request solution #1. Please see the .docx inside (8.3 KB) where I have specified custom fonts in my theme called ‘MyCustomTheme’.

<a:fontScheme name=“MyCustomTheme”>
<a:latin typeface=“Broadway”/>
<a:ea typeface=""/>
<a:cs typeface=""/>
<a:latin typeface=“Britannic Bold”/>
<a:ea typeface=""/>
<a:cs typeface=""/>

What I would like is to copy the name of the theme to my other .docx when mergin these ones theme to the other one. Currently I can set the major and minor font settings, but I can’t get and set the name of the theme.
By setting the name of the theme, I can make sure that when the .docx is opened in Word, the correct name is displayed:

image.png (5.5 KB)


We have logged your requirement in our issue tracking system. The ID of this issue is WORDSNET-17477. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of the linked issue. We apologize for your inconvenience.