Query before purchase

I wanted to buy this product however I was wondering whether this was similar to google spreadsheets where you actually have an excel sheet on the browser…

I am coding in asp.net and will need to have this on a webform and from there i will want to save the changes made by the user and so forth. So that the next time they come in they have the update spreadsheet.

A response ASAP is needed as I am looking into another product aswell.


Aspose.Cells is a spreadsheet creation engine without using MS Excel. To create spreadsheets, you don't need to utilize MS Excel. However, you need MS Excel to view the generated Excel files.

If you are finding a product similiar to google spreadsheet, I think Aspose.Grid more suits your need. Please check the online demos at Aspose.Grid Demos.

so can you have multi cell copying and so on??


In Aspose.Grid, you can select a rectangle area, such as from A1 to B2, right-click it and select “Copy”. Then please select another rectangle area, such as from A3 to B5,right-click it and select “Paste”.