Question about PDF Form Fields and datatypes with AutoFiller

Hello –

I’m having a lot of success in using AutoFiller to populate a PDF Form with a data table. My question has to do with the fact that the data table I’m using has only String columns, even though some values are numeric or dates.

Have you considered including a parameter like “(numeric)” to the end of a PDF Form Field name to indicate that AutoFiller should attempt to convert a value from string to numeric? This is exactly the way it works with Aspose.Cells, in using Smart Markers.

For example, in Cells, I could have a field like:
and Cells would attempt to convert the value.

I would like to be able to do the same with a PDF form field, so I can use the form field’s “Numeric” formatting attributes.

Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated.


Dear Mike,

In fact, you can already define a numberic/DateTime column in your DataTable. But before filling into PDF template, they will be converted into strings automatically, because a TextField in template only receives string values.

I am wondering why you want to convert values to other data type. Do you want to control the format of numberic/DateTime data to be viewed? If so, Kit cannot fullfill your requirement till now. It has much more relationship with the design of the Form Field itself. However, we will consider about it in our next plan.

Best regards.

Hi Luke,

Yes, I’m trying to control the formatting of numeric values so they show with correct currency formatting. Also, I’d like to format date strings to an appropriate (user locale-based) date format.

Thanks very much for considering this for a future version. This is critical functionality for us, and I would think it would be very important for the AutoFiller.

Thanks again.