Radar chart increase plot size and complete the curve as loop

I am facing simple issue with RADAR chart types.

1. I need to increase the plot size as shown in below figure. I have applied below code to increase the plot size and it is not growing at all. [See attached images, Original image is named as original-RADAR and generated from code is named as generated-radar].

chart.NSeries.Add(string.Format(“{0}!B2:E3”, sheet1.Name), false);
chart.NSeries.CategoryData = string.Format(“{0}!B1:E1”, sheet1.Name);
chart.PlotArea.Width = 4000;
chart.PlotArea.Height = 3500;
chart.ValueAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = Color.Gray;
chart.ValueAxis.MajorGridLines.Weight = WeightType.HairLine;
chart.ValueAxis.MinValue = 4.0;
chart.ValueAxis.MaxValue = 9.0;
chart.ValueAxis.MinorUnit = 1.0;
chart.ValueAxis.TickLabels.NumberFormat = “0.0”;

Whatever width and height we have given it is not growing in size.
2. I need to make the data lines loop. I have 4 sides and right now, the code I have implemented the lines are coming till 4th coordinate and stops there. It is not again connected back to 1st coordinate. But, I need to connect the line with 1st coordinate from 4th coordinate. So that it is loop or closed. See attached image [Original RADAR] for reference.

thanks for the help.


Could you create your desired and extended chart in MS Excel (manually) and post the template file here, we will check how to do it using the Aspose.Cells API.

Thank you.

Hi there,
Thanks for the reply.
I have used the same code as given in the example:

And the difference I see is, the curve closed from last node to the first node. That is what mainly I am looking for. How to connect last node back to first node?



Please post the generated file here. It seems that there are some settings on the chart point.

We will check it soon.

Thank you.