Re: Can I get a more extensive test-account

Hi Muhammad,

Thank you for the test account. We will start the testing period from today and onward. Can you please also enable the 10MB upload limit? Else we are not possible to test our application correctly, since the documents are > 2MB.

I saw a lot of emails coming by about our test-account, so today I tried to test a 7MB document. This resulted into the following error:

Your pricing plan does not allow process files with size '7276032'. Your size limit is '2097152'.

Can you tell me what the status is on the upload limit for our test account?

Hi Richard,

I noticed a few failed payment attempts coming in from you – were you just trying to add the 10MB element to your test account or were you trying to actually upgrade to a paid account?

Billy Lundie

Product Management


Support Developer, Saaspose
Sialkot Team

Hi Billy,

Thanks for asking! Yes we were trying to add the 10MB element to our account. I locally tested or the 10MB upload limit has been activated yet by uploading a 7MB document, but it did not seems to be activated yet since it resulted in the error as shown in my comment of March 2.

We do not have a company credit-card yet, so that is why we couldn't complete the proces. I want to measure the duration of the entire conversion process in case of a 7MB document, that is why we kindly ask you to activate the 10MB element :)

Best regards,
Richard van Laak

Hi Richard,

We've added this to your test account for roughly the next 2 weeks.

Best Regards,

We started the testing period

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan