Read Formatted Slide Note Problem

I have downloaded Evaluation version today and playing around with it. It's a great tool. I am only having problem with reading slide notes from the slide itself. It reads it fine but formatting goes away. Like there are 3 paragraphs with Arial 10pt font. But when it reads it, there is only 1 paragraph without any formatting.

Please let me know.


You can always use Portion object to access font styles. Here is an example for retrieving text formatting properties from the Notes Page:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("asposepara2.ppt");

Slide sld= pres.GetSlideByPosition(1);

foreach( Paragraph para in sld.Notes.Paragraphs)

foreach (Portion port in para.Portions)



Text '"+ port.Text +"' has following style:


Response.Write("Font Name = " + pres.Fonts[port.FontIndex].FontName);

Response.Write(" , Font Height = " + port.FontHeight);


For more information, visit this link.