Read Word Document Table into Excel

I need to read a word document table and draw the same table into excel is this posible in aspose,if possible send me the code
Ajeesh M J

Hi Ajeesh,

Thanks for your inquiry.

I think, in this case, you first need to read Word table into DataTable and then somehow generate Excel document from that DataTable. Using Aspose.Words you can create a DataTable from a table in the document. I’m afraid we don’t have any specific sample code for this, but if you take a look at this following page you will see the reverse (a Datatable to Table) so you can get a similar idea here:

Once, you read your Word table into DataTable, you can use the following article to generate Excel document:

Moreover, you can also convert whole Word document to Excel by using Aspose.Words+Aspose.Cells e.g:

Document doc = new Document("C:\Temp\sample.doc");
ConverterDoc2Xls converter = new ConverterDoc2Xls();
Workbook wb = converter.Convert(doc);"C:\Temp\out.xls");

I have attached the file.

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,