Recolor property

Hi Alexey!

Please add the recolor property for wmf pictures. (see atteched file)

Dear CAV,

I will investigate how it works.

Hi Alexey!

In the attached ppt-file I can’t get RecolorTable.FillColors (Red), (Aspose.PowerPoint return only RecolorTable.GlobalColors (Blue)).

Aspose.PowerPoint return only one color (instead of three) in RecolorTable for emf picture (see attached recolor2.ppt file).

Recolor is not work (RecolorTable.FillColors == 0).
See the attacmnet.

Dear CAV,

Black to yellow color replacement not used for the shape and Aspose.PowerPoint doesn’t show it.
If you switch checkbox for this replacement then it will be visible.

Sorry, I forgot to check the checkbox in the file I've sent, please test it yourself, as switching the checkbox state have no effect, the black color is returned in both checked and unchecked states.