Referenced component not being recognised

I have downloaded the demo for the Aspose.Word component and have registered the reference in the ‘references’ section of my VB.NET web application. The referrence appears correctly in the Solution Explorer, with no error icon. However, when I add the the line ‘Imports Aspose.Word’ to a codebehind page, I get the following Build Error:

Project ‘MyProject’ makes an indirect reference to assembly ‘Aspose.Word’, which contains ‘Aspose.Word.Document’. Add a reference to ‘Aspose.Word’ to your project.

This is the only error, and I am nevertheless able to access objects in the class (eg ‘Dim doc as Document’ throws no error). The build error prevents a successful build.

Hope you can help.



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Hmm… You probably try to remove and then add the reference to Aspose.Word.dll again. If it doesn’t help, please zip and attach your project to your post unless the project is too huge.

I was able to find a solution here

It did come down to re-adding the references one by one. Strange.

Thanks for the response.