Refering of ASPOSE>Words dll with an ASP Application

Please find below the problem that I am facing:

My application is on ASP and I am trying to use ASPOSE.Words with it.I have used the tlb commnad in order to refer the dll with my application.Below is the way I have used it with my application:

I have registered in the above way the dll.

After studying the compatibility of Aspose with ASP application, the following observations are seen from type lib:

  1. _Document interface is hidden.
  2. Hence, method name of Document will not appear.
  3. As a result I need to type it by my own along with the parameters. For this I will have to refer to the documentation or any knowledge base that may be available on Aspose site for the usage of COM components.

So far, so good. However, when I try to use the code snippet provided at the Aspose help site, it states that ActiveX Component can’t create object. The possible reason is that the dll is not registered properly. I have tried to deregister it and again register in the same way as stated above. However, it is still throwing the same error. Please guide me through this.


Hi Divya,

Thanks for giving our component a try.

Concerning your question - please check up the following articles in documentation:

They should help you to get your ASP application up and running quickly.

Please let me know if you will have further difficulties on the way and I will try to assist you with whatever I can.

Best regards,


We are using an aspose Wrapper (GestionnaireMSWord.dll) to use in VB that is call from asp page .

-We do a reagasm /codebase of the wrapper.

-Aspose.Words is installed by .msi

Result we are not able to call the library in asp.

On a developpement machine if VB is running it’s OK

So it seem that we are not able to register properly the Warpper.

Have you the solution ?

Truly yours,

We waiting for taht to present the solution to the customer and so to buy the product

Thanks you for your prompt answer


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Best regards.