Regarding Excel save


iam getting “too large image” exception while excuting following code.

excel.Save(“ICT_VIEWRESULTS_” + DateTime.Now.Year + DateTime.Now.Month + DateTime.Now.Day + “.xls”, Aspose.Cells.SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.ExcelXP, Response);

here in my code i need to fetch 2000 records from the database at a time. and they should be kept in an excel sheet. like that i have to download all 20000 records(10 times 2000 rec/1 time) into excel all is ok but when i execute above code i am getting such type of error like “Too large image” exception.

thanks and regards

Hi Marala,

I think you are using some older version of the the product. Could you try the attached version and let us know if it works fine now. Also, kindly check whether there are some drawing objects whose right column index are greater than 255.

If you still find any issue, kindly create a sample console application with all the input+output or other files, sample codes etc., zip the project and attach it here, we will check it soon.

Thank you.