Regarding word to padf


i am using pdf downloading in following process

Document doc = new Document("in.doc");
MemoryStream aPdfStream = new MemoryStream();
doc.Save(aPdfStream, SaveFormat.AsposePdf);
Aspose.Pdf.Pdf pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Pdf();
pdf.BindXML(aPdfStream, null);
pdf.Save("xyz.pdf", Aspose.Pdf.SaveType.OpenInAcrobat, Response);

But i am getting evalution version even our company had word license. please tell me how to download with the evaluation version in the pdf when converting from word(we licence for word).

Thanks and Regards


Thanks for your request. Please make sure that you applied license as described here:

Also, please check the points described in “Licensing” section in FAQ:
Also, currently Aspose.Words supports direct conversion to PDF (without using Aspose.Pdf). See the following link for more information:
So, you can try using direct method to convert your document to PDF. Here is the code:

Document doc = new Document("in.doc");

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Hi AndreyN

we are using global.asax file to set the licence files and we are setting only aspose.custom.lic files to intialise.

I am not getting method like


but we are getting only Save() method. we are using version. can you please tell me how to get that method? shall i down load new dll to produce that method.

Thanks and Regards

Hi Marala,
Thank you for additional information. If you would like to use old method of PDF converting, you need to apply the license to each product separately. Please see the points described in “Licensing” section in FAQ:
SaveToPdf method is available starting from Aspose.Words 6.0.0.
Best regards,

we are using Aspose.word.dll of version. when it is used we are not getting “EvaluationVerion” error. when i added version dll i am getting “EvaluationVerion”. will older version license works for latest version. what shall i do now. please tell me this is urgent priority to complete. i am adding “” license file.
Thanks and regards

Hi Marala,
Thanks for your inquiry. Every Aspose license carries one-year subscription for free upgrades to new versions released during this time. If you check the expiration date of your license you will see that your license has expired. To check an expiration date of your license open the license file using notepad. You will see the following tags:


It means that you can free upgrade to version of Aspose.Words published before 02/28/2009.
So, maybe you should just update your license. In this case please write to Aspose.Purchase forum, my colleagues will answer you shortly:
Best regards,