Repeat nested object value horizontally


I want to know how can we repeat neated object values.
Class employee {

int id:
int[] salaryhistory: // no of salary can vary by employee id


List employees = new List();
//add employees and with multiple salary history for each employee.

expected output

employee id, salary1, salary2, salary3
1 , 34.00, 766.00, 888.00
2 ,66.00,99.00,182.00
3, 55.00, -, -
please provide template to set in excel.

Thank you for your query.

We have checked different options but could not find any specific option to create such output. You may please device your own logic to insert data into workbook as per your requirements. Please feel free to write us back if you have any other query in this regard.

can you add this feature? So, we don’t have to write the custom c# code for it.


Could you create a sample Excel file having your input data (in some sheet) and expected output (display) in other sheet in the workbook, save the file and provide us, we will check it soon.

PS. please zip the MS Excel file prior attaching here.