Repeatable regions within a repeatable region


I am doing a summary report of projects and need some help figuring out the best way to do it.

I have used mail merge with regions with no problems in the past but in this situation i need to have a repeatable region (Milestones) within an outer repeatable region(projects).

i.e. i want to display all milestones for a project as well as displaying all projects in the system (hopefully the attached word doc will make things clear).

To make things more complex i have to display the project name as a vertical merged cell that spans the number of associated milestones.

I can repeat the milstones no problems for an individual project (using mail merge with regions) but how do i then repeat this for each project?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

In your case the best option is to merge documents separately in the loop: one project - one document. After merging each resulting document should be appended to a final document using AppendDoc function as described here. So your loop will look like this:

  • Merge with regions for milestones.
  • Simple merge for project title.
  • Append the resulting document to the final document.
  • Repeat all of the above with the next project.

Please try this approach. Let me know if you will have any problems implementing it.

Best regards,


I tried your aproach and it worked well except I ended up with a new table for each project.

In the end I…

  • Performed merge with regions using a separate milestones document .
  • Wrote project title in first cell and performed a vertical merge (milestones table)
  • Performed ImportNode adding each of the new milestone rows to the destination milestone table.
  • This was repeated for each project

This achieved exactly what i was after, thanks for your suggestions.