Replace and format text in pptx slide aspose c#

Hello Apose team,
Replace and Format text and change font of a text in a text box in pptx slide using c#

For example: I have a slide with text box and text as “myTextHolder”.
I can access and change the textbox using aspose slides and
I’m able to replace text “myTextHolder” to “this is my personal text has copy right under Act {1935} and income {$20,000} with annual increase of {30%}”

Now the issue is, the above text with in the flower braces should be bolded and colored with red.
How can I do that?

Please help me out.
Awaiting for your reply. Thanks


In order to set the text related to properties, you need to set the text properties on portion level inside text frame paragraph. Please visit this documentation link for more about working with font related properties in portion of text.

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