Report Bursting

Looking to purchase aspose.pdf, wondering if there is any functionality where we could set up report bursting, to schedule the reports to run with dynamic paramters and then output in the aspose.pdf format. Thanks!


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Can you please share some details regarding the dynamic parameters that you would like to include in reports.

Please note that Aspose.Pdf for ReportingServices supports following configuration parameters and customer properties.

This is the scenario i am looking to fulfill i have 50 channel partners with seperate Partner IDs, i want to schedule the report to run for each partner and output the aspose.pdf for each and drop the pdf to a specified location. I know your software can obviously create the pdf, just wondering if there was any of the other functionality mentioned.



Can you please share some details regarding your requirement on “dropping the resultant PDF document over some specific location i.e. do you need to save them over some network location, send it as an attachment to an email ID, save in database etc”. Please share some details so we may answer accordingly.

I would say of the options you have preseneted we would definitely need to save the output to specified locations and possibly email as well.


Thanks for sharing the details. Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services supports the capability to generate PDF document from .RDL template and you can save the resultant PDF over any specific location. However in order to send the PDF document as an attachment with email, please try using Aspose.Networks for .NET to accomplish your requirement. For more information, please visit General Information about Aspose.Network

For more information about Aspose.Pdf for Reporting Services, please visit Product Information

In case I have not properly understood your requirement or you have any further query, please feel free to contact.