Request for New Methods to Support Image Placement and Replacement in Aspose.Note

Dear Aspose Support Team,

I’m writing to request the addition of new methods to Aspose.Note that will allow us to more easily place and replace images in OneNote pages.

Currently, the Aspose.Note API provides some basic methods for working with images, such as Image.getData, which allows us to retrieve the data for an image, but not and Image.setData, which can allows us to set the data for an image.
However, there are some tasks that are even more difficult to accomplish using these basic methods.

Specifically, we would like to see the following methods added to the Aspose.Note API:

  • ImagePlacementAbsorber: A method that will allow us to identify all of the image placements in a OneNote page or even better Document, and retrieve information about each placement, such as the image data location, position, size, and rotation.

  • Image.replace(input: anyformat, output: anyformat): A method that will allow us to replace an image in a OneNote page with a new image. This method should be able to accept input and output in any image format supported by Aspose, and should automatically convert the new image to the format required by OneNote.
    i thinkt that the replase Methode should be part of Aspose.Imaging packege

These new methods would greatly simplify our workflow for working with images in OneNote pages, and we believe they would be valuable additions to the Aspose Product

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,
pavel kororolin

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We will look into your requirements and get back to you.


To evaluate your suggested APIs and investigate your requirements, we have logged the following new tickets into our database:

  • NOTEJAVA-1181 - Identify all of the image placements details (such as, the image data location, position, size, and rotation) in a OneNote page or even better Document
  • NOTEJAVA-1182 - New API needed: Image.replace(input: anyformat, output: anyformat) to replace an image in a OneNote page with a new image

We will check the feasibility and update you once we have any new information available on any of your suggested features/APIs.


Regarding the inquiry about the ImagePlacementAbsorber class, we would like to clarify that it is actually part of the Aspose.PDF library rather than Aspose.Note. Therefore, any new methods or enhancements for the ImagePlacementAbsorber class need to be supported and implemented within Aspose.PDF itself.

To retrieve information about all the images in a document, you can use the following code snippet:

String documentPath = "path/to/document";
Document doc = new Document(documentPath);
List<Image> imageList = doc.getChildNodes(Image.class);

If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach out us.


Please see the reply in your other thread.