Required NameSpace for Exchange Server Programing

Hello Sir

I have read article from your forum. I am doing programing related to
exchange server. Below is the url. Please check.

But in this article you have mention ExchangeClient and ExchangeMailBoxInfo class. I have tried to working with this code. But I have found error like The type or namespace name ‘ExchangeMailboxInfo’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Which namespace is required for exchange programing. Please provide me for list. It will be help in future.

Please help me for same asap?

Thanks in Advance.


Thank you for inquiry.

The code in the above article is based on classes provided by Aspose.Network for .NET component. Please download the trial version from [ ]( page and [add a reference ]( to Aspose.Network dll in your Visual Studio project to access the required classes.

Hi Saqib

Thanks for your support.

I will download and try with this. If any query will be raise then I will let you know.