Retrieve extended property for message on EWS


I confirm it is like you wrote. However I would like to ask a question. We have extended property with custom name. For this override of FetchMessage we were able to retrieve it:

var msg = client.FetchMessage(exchangeId, new[] { EdmsConstants.EmailDeatchedDetails });
var val = msg.Headers[EdmsConstants.EmailDeatchedDetails]; //this worked

But override above is now deprecated and following code does not retrieve extended property for me:

string propertySetId = “00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046”; //PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS
var descriptors = new List
new PidNamePropertyDescriptor(EdmsConstants.EmailDeatchedDetails, PropertyDataType.MultipleString,new Guid(propertySetId))
var msg = client.FetchMessage(exchangeId, descriptors);
var val = msg.Headers[EdmsConstants.EmailDeatchedDetails]; //this is empty

Could you please correct my code snippet so I am able to retrieve value of my extended property?

Thank you


We are sorry to share that this feature won’t work for now. We are in process of re-implementation of this feature under issue id: EMAILNET-38844 and will update you here once there is further information or a fix version available in this regard.