Running Aspose.Words Express on my MacBook

I am not a programmer, sorry! I have downloaded mono and installed it successcully. How then do I get Aspose.Words Express to run on my MacBook?

Thanks for your inquiry. I believe you can run Aspose.Words Express on Mac by using the Mono framework. Please see here for further details. We haven’t fully tested Aspose.Words on Mono, but preliminary results suggest that it should work fine.
Best regards,

Thank you, Andrey, for your response. But, as I say, I am not a programmer. The web pages you point me to are no help, what I need is a way to click an icon so the mono framework starts up and I can choose from a menu so i can use Aspose.Words Express. Can you help me there?

Thanks for your request. I think this question is not related to Aspose.Words. You can try to find the answer in Google (how to run .NET exe file with mono in MAC) or you can ask this question to Mono support.
Best regards,