Same excel file have different cell width with image on different machines

Both the versions are same so you can test it with latest version of API and let us know your feedback.

Hi @ahsaniqbalsidiqui,

I tested the code you sent me and the autofit behaves the same way on both machines (but I believe happens because of the Font change I made last week).
Also, I tested the Images scenario and they the results on both machines are equal. But it seems that the image loses its width/height ratio.

image.jpg (665.0 KB)

Original size: 106,67’’ / 60’’ ~ 1,777833333
Values I use to set cell size: 971px / 546px ~ 1,778388278
Actual cell values: 832px /409px ~ 2,034229829
Picture size: =11,56’’ / 5,68’’ ~ 2,035211268

Shouldn’t the image keep the width height ratio?

Best regards,
Hugo Freixo

Well, this seems to be the difference in the behaviour of Excel for Windows 7 and macOS (Mojave) as shown in the attached image. You can see that in Windows, the ratio of height to width is the same as the original image. Images created in Ubuntu and CentOS are compared separately but in all cases, Excel for Windows has proper image size and Excel for macOS has a different ratio for height to width.

Screenshot 2019-08-06 at 12.07.43 AM.jpg (1.1 MB)