Save as text

I’m using the Save method to save a document as text. Overall, the extracted text looks good. However, the header text seems to be off. See the attached document. There are several pages, but only one header comes through. Is that by design? Or is there some option to push out headers for each page?

Yes, that is by design. Although it may be worth reconsidering. I have logged this to our defect base as feature request #849. We will discuss it and let you know if that will be corrected in one of the next releases.

The problem is that a page layout is unknown when we are saving document in text format. So we cannot realy guess at what intervals the header should be repeated.

That sounds reasonable. But, just to clarify, the header and footer for each section is output at least once, correct?

Yes. The output will go in the following order:

Section1 Page1
Section1 Page2
Section2 Page1
Section2 Page2

MS Word output seems less logical:

Section1 Page1
Section1 Page2
Section2 Page1
Section2 Page2