Hi Team,
Any update on the performance issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Team,
Any update on the performance issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Regretfully there are no updates regarding issue resolution yet. The investigation against your issue has already been planned and will be carried on as per schedule. We will surely inform you as soon as we have some additional updates in this regard. Please spare us some time.
Hi Team,
Is there any update on this? Please let us know ETA for this. Raised this issue on Jan 28th, still it is not resolved. Otherwise have to check for other API for generating PDF. Need to inform business on this. Please let us know your comments on this.
Thanks & Regards,
The earlier logged issue is being investigated and it is found that we need to develop a new efficient HTML rendering engine in order to overcome such performance issues. Since the issue involves new implementations, it may take some time to get resolved. We will surely keep you posted as soon as we have some certain news on its resolution. Please spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Will you develop a new efficient HTML rendering for Java version? Because converting from HTML for simply html works to slow.
We are generating PDF from Aspose.PDF. We are developing .Net application not java.
Path - Local drive
ms- memory stream
Just we used doc.Save(path) or doc.save(ms)
Thanks & Regards,
Aspose.PDF for Java has all feature ported into it which are part of .NET API. As soon as the feature is available in Aspose.PDF for .NET, it would also be a part of equivalent version of Java API.
Your concerns has already been noted and we will share the updates with you as soon as we have some.
Hi Team,
Is there a way to estimate or track progress on save method?
And also what is the update on performance issue?
Thanks & Regards,
A feature request has already been logged in our issue tracking system for the purpose of implementation of this functionality. The ticket is logged with the ID PDFNET-47936 and have been linked to this thread as well. We will let you know as soon as the feature is available.
Regretfully there is no update regarding the resolution of earlier logged issue related to performance as development of the new HTML rendering engine requires certain amount of time. However, we will inform you as soon as we have some definite updates in this regard. Please spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Team,
What is the update on performance issue?
Thanks & Regards.
The issue PDFNET-47632 is still pending for a resolution as the new HTML Rendering Engine is still under the phase of development. We will surely inform you as soon as we have additional updates in this regard. Please spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello team,
is the issue on performance resolved any update sir ?
The performance problem is due to many nested tables as we have investigated the ticket. You can please delete the containers and performance will be increased 10 times. Please let us know in case the solution of deleting containers does not suit you. We will continue to investigate the ticket accordingly.
Hello team,
Which containers and how to delete that ?
Our feedback was about the ticket PDFNET-47632 which was logged for an issue reported by @narmatha. The below line was used to initialize the container object in the code snippet:
var container = AXHeadedContainer.Get("Information", AXFont.HELVETICA_12_BOLD);
If doc.Add(Tbl) is used instead of doc.Add(container), the performance is better.