Save more than one time a WorkSheetDesigner

I have a problem when i want to save an excel file more than one time with Aspose.Cells

The second file is empty :

private WorkbookDesigner mExcelFile = null;
mExcelFile = new Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner();

mExcelFile.Save(@"c:\1.xls", Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel2000);

mExcelFile.Save(@"c:\2.xls", Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel2000);

How can i save a file more than one time ?


Ok i have found the answer by myself, it seems that the data are reseted when we use Save (strange behavior), may be bacause Aspose.Cells lacks of a Dispose method.

So we need to copy workbook into anothet WorkBookDesigner.


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Well, when Save method is used all the data, objects etc. related to the spreadsheet will be null. Aspose.Cells is a pure .NET component and we totally rely on Garbage Collector to release the resources and Dispose operations for finalization process related objects. Moreover, for performance concerns, the Save method is implemented to make the spreadsheet object null.

Thank you.