Save Text Tab Delimited - each row doesn't end in CRLF


When you save a file in excel as Text Tab Delimited and open it in Notepad, each row is on a separate line. This is because excel adds a Carrage Return + Line Feed after each row.

When you save a file using Aspose.Cells as Text Tab Delimited and open it in Notepad, the rows are separated by a square. This is because Aspose only adds a Line Feed after each row.

Is it possible to make Aspose save text tab delimited the same as Excel (i.e. add Carrage Return + Line Feed after each row)? Maybe make it an option?



Hi Aidan,

Please try the attached version.

Thank you.

Will this fix be in future releases of Aspose.Cells or will I have to get you to compile this fix each time a new version comes out?


Well, you may use this fix as long as you wish without any problem. Our next official release will include this fix.

Thank you.