Save .vss file as .vss

We have a requirement where we want to modify a visio file and then save it back in the same format. Eg. .vss to .vss

I tried doing this using aspose diagram .Save method, but it does not allow to save the file in all the formats so we are forced to save the file in .vdx/.vsx or.vtx formats.

Am I missing something?

Mentioned below is the code I am using

Diagram vssDiagram = new Diagram(“c:\VisioTest.vss”, LoadFileFormat.VSS);
vssDiagram.Save(“c:\MyOutput1.vdx”, SaveFileFormat.VSX);

Kindly guide me as how can I achieve this.

Hi Saleem,

Thank you for contacting support. You are right because we can only save three Visio formats VDX (drawing), VSX (stencil) and VTX (template). VSS is the stencil format and you can save it in the VSX format too. We normally use these files as a repository of the various shapes. Based on your requirement, is it necessary to save it in the same VSS format? We think, VSX format could be replaced with VSS format.

Sample code:

[.NET, C#]
// load stencil VSS file
Diagram vssDiagram = new Diagram(“c:\VisioTest.vss”, LoadFileFormat.VSS);
// save stencil file in VSX format
vssDiagram.Save(“c:\MyOutput1.vsx”, SaveFileFormat.VSX);