SaveToPdf: Image Problem


i tried to convert a wordml document with two images to pdf. I found out that the Aspose.Words conversion can´t handle images in cmyk color space. Using Aspose.Pdf conversion has no problem with the document. Is this is known problem and will there be a fix?

Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Document("E:\Test.xml");
doc.SaveToPdf("E:\PDF ueber Word Export Test.pdf");

string xmlFile = "E:\Test2.xml";
doc.Save(xmlFile, SaveFormat.AsposePdf);

Aspose.Pdf.Pdf pdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Pdf();
pdf.BindXML(xmlFile, null);
pdf.Save("E:\PDF Export Test.pdf");


Thanks for your request.

I don’t see any issues when I convert the attached document to PDF using Aspose.Words .NET v9.0. What version of AW .NET did you try?

I also used v9.0.

I attached to the two pdf files.


What operating system do you use? I tried to reproduce on Windows XP SP3.



I use windows 7

Edit: I tried it under WinXP SP3 and it´s working. So it seems to be a problem with Win7

Thanks for the information. I will try to reproduce the issue under Windows 7 but it will take some time. I’ll let you know the results.



I was able to reproduce this issue on Windows 7 and logged it to our defect database. You will be notified once it is resolved.

Best regards,

Anything new?


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately the issue is still unresolved. We will be sure to inform you of any developments regarding this problem.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 16367) have been fixed in this update.

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