Please see the attached project for context.
The short and sweet of the issue is that upon parsing out the sections of the included Word document and pushing them into another blank document, saving to HTML blows up with the ambiguous error:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.drawing.dll
Additional information: Invalid parameter used"
This same document can be saved as a Word document, but not as HTML.
Any thoughts?
Phil naught
The file TestingCheckIn2.doc contains an INCLUDEPICTURE field which references a rather strange image on URL
The image itself is a small 1x1 white dot. The error occurs when the library tries to scale this image while saving html file.
If you will remove the reference to this image or substitute it with normal image then everything will work ok.
This problem is logged to our defect base as Issue #883. We will try to fix it in the next release.
Thank you very much for your work and quick response.
The issue with rescaling very small images is fixed in Aspose.Words 3.6 which is now available for download.