This did fix my issue. I just want to point out to anyone reviewing this thread that the following lines of code still cause the error:
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new OoxmlSaveOptions();
saveOptions.ExportCellName = true;
wb.Save(@".\ApsoseTest.", saveOptions);
change to:
Thank you for your help,
It’s strange, it caused you error.
I have run your code and found that no error occurred using the following code on the latest version:
Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.2.1
It will create a file in the current working directory, you can find the current directory using the following property i.e System.Environment.CurrentDirectory .
Workbook wb =
new Workbook();
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions =
new OoxmlSaveOptions();
saveOptions.ExportCellName =
wb.Save(@“.\ApsoseTest.”, saveOptions);
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40640) have been fixed in this update.
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