Secured PDF Printing on Mac

We are currently having an issue where we are creating a secured PDF and users on a Mac claim they can open the PDF but cannot print. We have confirmed some of them use the Mac Preview, and some are using NitroPdf.

The method we are using to secure the PDFs is below:
public static void ApplySecuritySettings(String docLocation)
Document pdfDoc = new Document(docLocation);

DocumentPrivilege documentPrivilege = DocumentPrivilege.ForbidAll;
// Only allow screen reading
documentPrivilege.AllowScreenReaders = true;
documentPrivilege.AllowPrint = true;
documentPrivilege.AllowCopy = true;
pdfDoc.Encrypt("", “asc”, documentPrivilege, CryptoAlgorithm.AESx256, false);



When using this, all windows users are able to open and print (using a variety of PDF reader software) but our Mac clients claim they cannot print.

Is this an issue you have encountered before? Is there a fix?

I have attached a copy of one of the secured PDFs as an example.

Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your inquiry. Yes you are right scenario is working over the Windows, We testing the scenario over MAC and will update you our findings soon.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,

Hi Andrei,

Thanks for your patience and sorry for the delayed response.

I have tested the scenario over MAC OS X Yosemite where I have tried viewing the PDF file in Default Viewer App and when trying to print the document to PdfWriter soft printer, I am unable to notice any issue. I have observed that when trying to print the document, a prompt to enter password is displayed and unless the password is provided, one cannot print the file.

For testing purposes, I have printed the file to PDF format and PostScript format and they are properly being generated. I have also tried directly adding the print to iBooks and I can see the output in iBooks store. For your reference, I have attached the images showing my observations.

PS, I have also attached the resultant PDF (printed with PdfWriter) and PostScript file generated over my end and when viewing the PDF file, you will not observe any security restrictions.