Sending Mail Using Exchange Impersonation

Hi, I’ve seen the message in the forums regarding “accessing” another accounts exchange mailbox using exchange impersonation. However, my question is about sending email (it was unclear if “accessing” meant just reading). So my question is; is it possible using Aspose.Email for .Net to SEND email using Exchange Impersonation.

The reason we need to do this is because of the NTLM double-hop restriction and because we want the email sent from an IIS server from where we can’t use the users credentials to access Exchange.

Ian Parsons, UK.

This message was posted using Page2Forum from ExchangeClientBase.GetMailboxInfo Method (String) - Aspose.Email for .NET

Hi Ian Parsons,

Sorry for the delayed response.

At the moment Aspose.Email lets you access the the mailbox information using mailbox impersonation. You can check the mailbox size or get information regarding the folders in mailbox and fetch messages from any particular folder. But Aspose.Email component does not let you send emails from other mailbox.

I will discuss this matter with our development team and perhaps we can add your required feature in your road map.
