Set and retrieve ID

My question is this. I need to set a ID inside a document, which cannot be altered by
a user, and then when the user sends the document back I need to read that ID in
order to establish which document it was. What would be the best way to set and
retrieve a value inside a document that cannot be altered??
When adding a text field inside Word there is a checkbox under Field Settings called
Fill-in enabled, can I access this property when inserting a textfield with Aspose.Word.
PS. I have no code as yet because im looking for the most efficient way to do this.

Answering your second question:
To enable fill-in dialog you need to use /o key when insering the field with document builder:

builder.InsertField(@"FILLIN Input: \o \* MERGEFORMAT", "");

For your first question - there is no straightforward way to do what you want. I will discuss it with my colleagues and let you know.

To set and retrieve the document ID you can use the Document.Variables property. Here is a code sample:

Document doc = new Document(Application.StartupPath + @"\doc1.doc");
// --- write ID
doc.Variables.Add("SecretID", "12345");
doc.Save(Application.StartupPath + @"\doc1_with_id.doc");
// --- read ID
doc = new Document(Application.StartupPath + @"\doc1_with_id.doc");
MessageBox.Show("SecretID = " + doc.Variables["SecretId"]);

These varibles are not easily available to modify from Word itself, but it’s possible to modify them using VBA code.

Thanks for the quick response. on both questions.