Set HtmlBody

Dear Aspose

help about to set body messge in outlook with html type

i was follow guide from

and this my code :

public void CreateEmail()
License asposeLicense = new License();

// Create an instance of the MailMessage class
MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();

// Set from, to, subject and body properties
mailMsg.From = "";
mailMsg.To = "";
mailMsg.Subject = "Subject Test";
mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;

mailMsg.HtmlBody = @"hasursnya bold";

string strMsgFile = @"D:\Library\aspose\sample\MvcAsposeEmail\TesData\TestAspose.msg";
mailMsg.Save(strMsgFile, MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormat);


the body message dont hapend anything ith still string text

ia open the result .msg with outlook 2013

and the body not show html format.. the body just show hasursnya bold

pelase help


Hi Ahmad,

I have already logged this issue as NETWORKNET-34320 in our bug tracking system and we’ll update you via the linked thread once the fix version is available for this issue.

are you finish to fix bugs? any solution for that issue? please

for a while a use .dll not the last version, and its work, but i have problem again…

i want to make header email editable, cause for now the header like a to from and cc its not editable

how can i do that?

Hi Ahmad,

I am glad to share that HtmlBody issue is resolved and under QA analysis. This version will be released in a day or two and will be available online for download.

Email header can be made editable by adding “X-Unsent” header in the headers collection. Following sample code demonstrate the usage of this header and saves the file in editable mode.

MailMessage message = new MailMessage("", "", “Test Subject”, “Test Body”);
//It will mark message as UNSENT
message.Headers.Add(“X-Unsent”, “1”);
message.Save(“Test2.msg”, MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode);
message.Save(“Test2.eml”, MailMessageSaveType.EmlFormat);
Please feel free to write us back if you have any other query in this regard.

Hi Iqbal,

thanks for your respon… i just try your code for the header and its work… its rooock :),
i will wait for updated…

best regards

Hi Ahmad,

Thank you for sharing the feedback.

Moreover, we have published Aspose.Email for .NET 4.0.0 and you can now try it for setting the html body of the MSG. If we can be of any additional help to you in this regard, please feel free to contact us.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan