Set License Only Works On Development Machine

I purchased Aspose.Word and Aspose.Pdf in March. I just finished my development, but when I deploy my application I get a licensing error. I don’t get it when on the development machine. I have included the .lic files with the .exe. It appears to run through the pdf ok, than bomb on the word set license. I am using the following method:

Public Shared Sub SetLicense()
        Dim license As Aspose.Pdf.License = New Aspose.Pdf.License()
        Dim license2 As Aspose.Words.License = New Aspose.Words.License()
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

The exact message is:

'The license is not valid for this product.'
Source: Aspose.Words
Stack Trace: 
at x28925c9b27b37a46.x220f433da4115056.x7d0214bf69711dd9(Stream xcf18e5243f8d5fd3) 
at x28925c9b27b37a46.x220f433da4115056.x7d0214bf69711dd9(String x1c1fc72fe1a3b4ea, Assembly x5807f920b6fc67c4) 
at Aspose.Words.License.SetLicense(String licenseName) 
at AppealsService.Operations.Helpers.SetLicense() 
in C:\Users\[username]\Desktop\AppealsService\Classes\Helpers.vb:line 77" String

Hi Dennis,
Could you please e-mail me your license file by clicking Contact above my post, clicking Send E-mail and attaching your license file. We will inspect it and determine what is wrong.
Also can you tell us what version of Aspose.Words you currently have installed?