Set Row Height

Hi Team,

I am using ASPOSE. Slide( Version from Nu get).
I am using trial version to check suitability with our business need. If we successfully do that then we go for license.
I am having lots of issue related to Table add and set row and column height .
All the example on our website of older version so kindly share the documentation of new release of ASPOSE. Slide and ASPOSE. Cell so that we can check the feasibility.

Also if possible kindly share new release ASPOSE .Cells and ASPOSE .Slide with example so that we don’t face any difficulties.

Also one doubt is that while pasting chart from excel to ASPOSE Slide it convert chart to image and then paste. it should paste as chart not image.

Correct if i am wrong.

Hi Farooque,

Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

I have observed your comments and like to share that you can add table to any slide and then set the row height and width of the column by using following sample code on your end.

Presentation srcPres = new Presentation();

ISlide srcSld = srcPres.Slides[0];
ITable tbl = srcSld.Shapes.AddTable(0, 0, new double[] { 50 }, new double[] { 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 });

//set the row height to 101
tbl.Rows[0].MinimalHeight= 101;

//set the column height to 100
tbl.Columns[0].Width = 100;

//retrieve row height, it is same as we set earlier
double rh = tbl.Rows[0].Height;
pres.Save(“D:\row.pptx”, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

I request you to visit this link to see examples of Aspose.Slides and this link to see examples of Aspose.Cells. Also I request you to please visit this link to find documentation about Aspose.Slides and this link for Aspose.Cells documentation.

Here I would like to add that I have not been able to completely understand your requirements about Pasting a chart from excel. Using Aspose.Slides you can not import a chart from excel unless you create a thumbnail of it using Aspose.Cells.

I hope this will be helpful. Please share if I may help you further in this regard.

Best Regards,