SetMeteredKey on Aspose PDF does not work with version 23.8.0

We use the metered license for all aspose products. Now I want to upgrade the libraries from 23.4.0 to 23.8.0.

This works:
var meteredWords = new Aspose.Words.Metered();
meteredWords.SetMeteredKey(PublicKey, PrivateKey);

But this does not work:
var meteredPdf = new Aspose.Pdf.Metered();
meteredPdf.SetMeteredKey(PublicKey, PrivateKey);

Error is: Authentication failed.
And the stacktrace is:
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zxuLRrw9N_DOreKRmB2tPqe8=(Object #=z1HYVKdI=)
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zggiapssU4DPo5_YhAMAEWGgJMb7nygJWp$tnXmLcfqjm()
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zffHhRTxBhYfo1xH9Kz9JhlVeXNZu1V4Vig==(Object #=z1HYVKdI=, UInt32 #=zxwzC4T8=)
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zEj6yKCzVxeG$uLDeIxdbQ37cbRfX(Boolean #=z1HYVKdI=)
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=z_1KAJxQwiezjmuz1mMDWjV4=(Object[] #=z1HYVKdI=, Type[] #=zxwzC4T8=, Type[] #=ztU996LI=, Object[] #=zXVhg$dM=)
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zlsP9t5Z_gz43$LsKmYgUcqco4ttZr$aG$g==(Stream #=z1HYVKdI=, String #=zxwzC4T8=, Object[] #=ztU996LI=)
at #=qg23aarho_QpY7J2UhdwAVXctGjEq2wGlWNBKHS8LX6g=.#=zCityWEXYRIFkISNx2O5e1NttzwF_xaknOA==(Stream #=z1HYVKdI=, String #=zxwzC4T8=, Object[] #=ztU996LI=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Metered.SetMeteredKey(String publicKey, String privateKey)
at CH.Innosuisse.InnoLink.DocumentGeneration.Business.AsposeLicenseService.SetLicense() in C:\git\myproject\AsposeLicenceService.cs:line 57

I have this error on my Windows 11 computer.


We tested with same version and test keys but we could not replicate the exception. Can you please share a sample console application in private message as shown in the image? We will test it in our environment and address the issue accordinglly. image.png (7.6 KB)


Thanks for sharing the sample console application in private message. We were able to reproduce the issue in our environment and have logged it as PDFNET-55372 in our issue tracking system. We will look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its rectification. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-55372) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.11.


After upgrading like in the original issue (from 23.4.0), Metered license works only with version 23.11.1.
If upgrading to 23.12.0 (currently latest), we face a similar/same issue, as the original with version 23.8.0: Authentication Failed

The new error is:

System.InvalidOperationException : Authentication failed.

Stack Trace:
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zOosyULSYdsc1ZcoAuT2akW69w_eK(Object #=zijWX2e0=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zKeIM5nsk73X6dZEb$fAlB3NMazjQQ095hA==(#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y= #=zijWX2e0=, #=qf_UfhSeAID4xqV1HLcH$h$Am$U9o50y485pKMW3ydoA= #=zF9KnC$Q=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zWnJ68zgaCONUpeHJ9tbzCRU=(Boolean #=zijWX2e0=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zOosyULSYdsc1ZcoAuT2akW69w_eK(Object #=zijWX2e0=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zSn6HKD7SgQ97QTtCZ$_vcbw=(Object #=zijWX2e0=, UInt32 #=zF9KnC$Q=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zWnJ68zgaCONUpeHJ9tbzCRU=(Boolean #=zijWX2e0=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zuwKQLQsWAEzXKinjBDq28vGlNNP8dyqrgQ==(Object[] #=zijWX2e0=, Type[] #=zF9KnC$Q=, Type[] #=zI2tcJ5o=, Object[] #=zonZA_Vg=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=z04xoO5A0_I2kKkLKnCsRSAWoVG9k9HvRQtCurl2LMgfT(Stream #=zijWX2e0=, String #=zF9KnC$Q=, Object[] #=zI2tcJ5o=)
#=q07KtXumECkwcA5JDDTtgcWivZbDh8BmcrGalLD4pD_Y=.#=zjp7e5QUx$DERxh72ykxhqjZOCe86(Stream #=zijWX2e0=, String #=zF9KnC$Q=, Object[] #=zI2tcJ5o=)
Metered.SetMeteredKey(String publicKey, String privateKey)


We have updated the ticket information as per your feedback. We will look into it again and provide you feedback after completing our investigation. Please spare us some time.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-56286

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-56286) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 24.2.