Settting shapes shadowcolor produces unexpected result


I´m trying to set a shapes shadowcolor with

pf.ShadowFormat.ShadowColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(2, 123, 98, 6);

(pf is a PictureFrame)

the result is an ARGB Value of (0,227,97,32)

The same applies to ShadowFormat.Lightcolor .

Any ideas ?

No answer for 2 days ? To me it still seems to be a bug - but obviously not to the support - great support


We are trying to reproduce it but you didn’t provide any example presentations.
That slow down the process very much.

We have found the source of the problem.
You are right, that is bug and it will be fixed asap.

The problem with ShadowColor and LightColor has been fixed.
Please check attached new Aspose.Slides version.

Thank you - works fine now - there is still a small difference in the Alpha value - but I guess this is because of transforming the 0-255 value to 0-100% value in PPT - right ?

If I’m not mistaken alpha values also should be correct.

PowerPoint - 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Color.A - 255 191 127 63 0

That´s correct - when using the debugger - after setting e.g. 109 as alpha with ShadowColor, a value of 108 is stored (but to be honest I don´t really care).

When testing the new slides I found another problem with shadows:

This problem concerns the smoothing of shadows:

  • my client has a CI defining the format of shadows (also includes the smoothing)
  • so I took a ppt "template" (attached as org.ppt) with the correct "smoothing definition"
  • loaded it to aspose.slides :
    Presentation pres1 = new Presentation (@"org.ppt");
  • and immediately stored it:
  • pres1.Write (@"asposemod.ppt");

the effect is that the smoothing-value ist set to 0 - which ist not nice because I expected Aspose not to modify existing definition ?



Hello Andreas,

Presentations in PPT format created in PowerPoint 2003 and below don’t support shadow smoothing.
PowerPoint 2007 uses special extension for that which doesn’t belong to ppt specification and
not compatible with previous PowerPoint versions.