Several errors to generate PDF with charts from a PPT

We are finding several errors to generate PDF with charts from a PPT.
You will find attached to this email, our file ppt and pdf conversion with Aspose.Slides 16.3

Pie charts (page 1 ppt and pdf )
- The proportions ( chart1 , chart2 , Chart3 , chart4 ) is not respected
- The Horizontal and vertical position ( chart1 , chart2 , Chart3 , chart4 ) is not respected
- Disappears legend ( Chart3 )

Bar charts ( page 2 ppt and pdf )
- The horizontal position ( chart5 ) is not respected
- Values ​​are displayed incorrectly ( chart6 )

We are using :
- Aspose.Slides
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013
- NET 4

Could you explain us what is the problem and how can we fix it ?
Please, we need your anwer asap.

Thanks in advance

Hi Victor,

Thank you for posting.

I have observed your comments and like to share with you that on page 1, the issue is appearing because it contains the 3D charts. Whereas, 3D rendering is not supported at the moment. Two issues for the problem on page 2, have been logged into our issue management system for further investigation and resolution. Below are the IDs of issues:

SLIDESNET-37412: For the problem with chart 5
SLIDESNET-37413: For the problem with chart 6

This thread has been linked with the issues so that you may be notified automatically as soon as the issue will be fixed.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

I disagree with your comment about 3D chart in page 1.

Using the version 16.1 of Aspose, graphics are rendered in 3D. But in version 16.3 this functionality is broken.
You will find attached to this email, our file ppt and pdf conversion with Aspose.Slides 16.1 and 16.3

Could you explain us what is the problem and how can we fix it with Apose.Slides 16.3?
Please, we need your anwer asap.

Thanks in advance

Hi Victor,

I have observed your comments and like to share with you that I have been able to observe the issue and it has been logged into our issue management system, with ID SLIDESNET-37415. We will notify you as soon as the issue will be fixed.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-37413;SLIDESNET-37412) have been fixed in this update.

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