Hi Team
I am using Aspose.Cells version 24 and I have .NET 8. I have written code as below var opts=new ImageOrPrintOptions(){ SmoothingMode=SmoothingMode.HighQuality, TextRenderingHint=TextRederingHInt.AntiAlias };
var pic= worksheet.Shapes[y];
var bitmap=pic.ToImage(opts);
I am unable to find the Shape.ToImage() which accepts single parameter of type ImageOrPrintOptions.
It gives me only one with Shape.ToImage(string imageFile,ImageOrPrintOptions options)
Could you please assist here
I checked and your mentioned method (overload) is not there in .NET6.0 or advanced .NET versions. I think you may try to use other overloads instead for your needs.
Are you using Aspose.Cells.Dll from “net8.0” or “net8.0-windows” folder? Please note, if you use the library from “net8.0” folder, since it is for multi-platforms, so the overload (method) is removed.