Shape.ToImage in SVG format

I need to save the individual shapes in SVG format. My understanding is that the Shape.ToImage method does not support SaveFileFormat.SVG. I have some kind of workaround for this functionality. Please let me know if it will work properly or suggest a better solution. So far it works in simple tests. Here is the code which is mostly based on your examples:

public class SvgConverter
    // temporary use file system
    private string _dataDir;

    public SvgConverter(string dataDir)
        _dataDir = dataDir;
    public void Convert(Diagram diagram, Shape shape)
        // 1. create new page
        var newPage = CreateTemporaryPage(diagram);

        // 2. copy shape to the new page to the top left corner
        shape.XForm.PinX.Value = shape.XForm.Width.Value / 2;
        shape.XForm.PinY.Value = newPage.PageSheet.PageProps.PageHeight.Value - shape.XForm.Height.Value / 2;

        // 3. export new page to svg
        SVGSaveOptions options = new SVGSaveOptions();
        options.DefaultFont = "MS Gothic";
        options.PageIndex = diagram.Pages.Count - 1; ;
        options.PageSize = new PageSize(Properties.GetWidth(shape), Properties.GetHeight(shape));

        diagram.Save(_dataDir + shape.Name + ".svg", options);

        // 4. remove temporary page

    private Page CreateTemporaryPage(Diagram diagram)
        // Set max page ID
        int maxPageId = NewMethod(diagram);

        // Initialize a new page object
        Page newPage = new Page();

        // Set page ID
        newPage.ID = maxPageId + 1;

        // Set name
        newPage.Name = "temp_page_" + newPage.ID.ToString();

        return newPage;

    private static int NewMethod(Diagram diagram)
        int max = 0;
        if (diagram.Pages.Count != 0)
            max = diagram.Pages[0].ID;

        for (int i = 1; i < diagram.Pages.Count; i++)
            if (max < diagram.Pages[i].ID)
                max = diagram.Pages[i].ID;

        return max;

Thank you,


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