Sheet to image

It works perfectly, many thanks once more!


Hi again… found another issue… notice the cells marked with shrink to fit and no wrap text and their result in the image.

Please try this code with the attached files:

Workbook book = new Workbook();
book.Worksheets[0].SheetToImage(“c:\test.emf”, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf);

Thanks again,


Thanks for the template files,

We found the issue and will figure it out.

Thank you.

Hi there,

I’d like to know if you have any timings on this issue.

Keep up the good work.

Hi Cruz,

Thanks for following up.

Hopefully, we can provide a fix soon.

Thank you.

Hi Cruz,

Thanks for your patience.

Please try this fix.

And this fix also support to sort the data from left to right.

I think I tried all the workarounds in this thread, but still SheetToImage() Returns Nothing and if I use any of the other functions to save directly to a file it throws a NULL pointer exception.

I tried setting PrintArea but that didn’t work

We are creating a Worksheet with many Merged cell, both rows and columns. Also we have a lot of formatted and vertical text.

I can’t publish a sample on the public forum, but if you give me an email address and I send you an example XLS.

We generate the worksheet on-the-fly, so hopefully the XLS will give the same problems as the on-the-fly worksheet.

Is there anything else I need to set?

I am using version of Cells and VS2008.

Dear John,

You can send Email to Aspose Staff Members using Forums too. With any post made by any user, you can see many buttons on the post. Find Contact button and click it. Then select Send an email option and then you can send email to that user directly. You can even attach file with your email. Just make sure that you are emailing to the right user.

I hope, it would help.

Have a good time.

Hi John,

Yes please, as Salman suggested you can directly mail me with your template file as an attachment. We will check and try to figure out your issue soon.

Thank you.

Hi John,

We have received your template file,
We found the issue after an initial test, we will figure it out soon.
Thank you.


Please try this fix.

We have fixed the bug of null pointer exception.

We have supported to export the picture to image in Sheet2Image.

There is still a bug in Cell "I21" and "I24".We are looking into this issue if the rotation is 90 .

Hi there,

I detected an issue with the SheetToImage method that is related to the ShrinkToFit property of the cells.

Please regard the sample files attached.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Cruz,

Thanks for providing us the template file with output image file.

We found the issue after an initial test, we will figure it out soon.

Thank you.

Hi there, I was wondering if you have any updates for this issue.


Hi Cruz,

Sorry for a bit delay,

We will get back to you soon.

Thank you.

Hi Cruz,

Please try this fix.

Hi there,

Yes, the shrink to fit is fixed but now the tables have a strange format. Please regard the attached files and run this code:

Workbook book = new Workbook();
book.Worksheets[0].SheetToImage(“c:\test.emf”, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf);

Thanks again,

Hi Cruz,

Thanks for providing us the template file.

Yes, we found some formattng issues in the generated image. Hopefully, we will look into it in the next week because most of us (developers) are on holidays for their National Day celebrations.

Thanks for your time and understanding.

Hi there,

Do you already have any feedback for this issue?



Hi Cruz,

We have evaluated your issue and will update you soon.

Thanks for your patience.