Show Comments in Word


I have added several comments to my word document with aspose. When I open it, I don’t see any comments until I click “Track revisions”. Does anybody know how to set something like a property that effects showing the comments right from the beginning?


I presume that is not possible, because this setting is controlled on application level. As far as I know, there is no flag in the document file which controls this property.

It seems that I was incorrect and there actaully is a flag in a document structure controlling comments visibility. It is not not well documented though. We will try to research this matter and add the coresponding property to Aspose.Word.

I have logged this to our defect base as Issue #935. We will inform you here in this thread when this issue will be resolved.

Sorry this is not being implemented in the upcoming Aspose.Words 3.6, but we have it in our task list for the future.

any progress on the ability to set the “show/hide” comments using ASPOSE?

If you ask about the property contolled by Show | Comments checkbox in Reviewing toolbar of MS Word 2003 then it is an MS Word application level setting which is not stored in the document and therefore cannot be controlled by Aspose.Words.

If you mean Track changes tool button checkbox in Reviewing toolbar of MS Word 2003 this question is already answered by our lead developer in the different thread:

Best regards,