"Shrink Text on Overflow" Option Does Not Work for Top Text Box in Presentation

Please run attached code. Open the output PowerPoint document and notice the differing behavior between the two text shapes which should behave identically. They are both set to shrink the text on overflow, but the top one does not until you move it or resize it, as shown in the image:ConsoleApp1 - To Aspose.zip (41.0 KB)

image.png (16.4 KB)

Thank you for the issue description.

I reproduced the problem with the “Shrink text on overflow” option and logged the issue with ID SLIDESNET-42885 in our tracking system. Our development team will investigate this case. You will be notified when the issue is resolved.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-42885) have been fixed in this update.

Hi there, this issue has not been fixed. I am using version 22.5.0 currently, and there is no change in the problem behavior.

Thank you for contacting support.

I’ve tested the issue described in this forum thread and found no problems with Aspose.Slides 22.5. If the issue has shown up again in your presentation, please create a new forum topic and share the following data and information:

  • input presentation file and output file
  • code example that reproduces the problem
  • OS version/distribution where the code was executed
  • .NET target platform in your app

We will do our best to resolve the issue.