Similar like excelPage in ExcelDocument in words


When i want to create an excel document, I use the following code:

workbook = new Workbook(inputStream, loadOptions);

for (int i = 0; i < sheetRender.getPageCount(); i++)
    float width = sheetRender.getPageSize(i)[0];
    float height = sheetRender.getPageSize(i)[1];
    CellArea pageArea = printingPageBreaks[i];
    String range = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(pageArea.StartRow, pageArea.StartColumn) + ":" + CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(pageArea.EndRow, pageArea.EndColumn);
    ExcelPage excelPage = new ExcelPage(pageNumber + 1, index, i, width, height, range);
    pageNumbersList.add(pageNumber + 1);
    excelDocument.setPageCount(excelDocument.getPageCount() + 1);

What are the similar APIs to create a page in asposeWords and then add to a document ?
I looked at DocumentBuilder and PageSetup.

Is there and addPage API in words to the document ?

@sushma1509 MS Word documents are flow by their nature, so there is no “page” concept. Consumer applications reflows document content into pages on the fly. So there is no need to add pages in MS Word documents, The content will be moved to the next page once there is no room for content on the previous one.