Simple Rendering of Word Document in PDF output

To whom it may concern,
I have a word document that I am running through mail merge. Forgetting about the mail merge issues for now, it doesn’t appear to me that the paragraph formatting is being recognized. I’ve included the original DOCX and the generated PDF for comparison. Here’s all I’m doing:

Document document = new Document(fileName);

Donald Roy Airey


Thank you for your request. The problem occurs because paragraph’s space after is lost. This problem is logged in our defect database as issue #6102. I will notify you as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards.

To whom it may concern,
The issue appears to be related to the style sheet that I used to create this document. The spacing of the paragraphs was set to 10 pts., which is not really standard. Word handles it, but I can imagine a rendering engine with optimizations might have trouble and rounded it. Anyway, when the style is set to use a spacing of 12 pts., between the paragraphs, it appears to render correctly.
Best regards,
Donald Roy Airey

This is not problem of our Rendering Engine. It seems spacing is lost because it is specified using Word 2007 Theme. Currently, Aspose.Words does not support Word 2007 Themes and that is why spacing is lost and font is changed from Calibri to Times New Roman.

Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 6102) have been fixed in this update.

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