"SkiaSharp" warnings with Aspose.Words 24.4.0

Alternatively, contact the SkiaSharp team to try and get them to take this seriously. I’m just a single programmer doing my own thing. Aspose are a well recognised provider of solutions. Coming from you it may carry more weight?

@kidkeogh Sure we will contact SkiaSharp team in order to resolve this annoying warnings.

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Thank you so much for going above and beyond.

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Hello @alexey.noskov just to keep you posted, I got a response from the SkiaSharp team and it looks like they’re working on preventing these warnings in a future nuget release.

@kidkeogh Thank you for additional information. We also decided to make SkiaSharp an optional dependency in .NET 4.6.2 version. Starting from the next version, SkiaSharp will be required only if it is required to support WebP images.

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I just got Aspose.Words 24.5 and am delighted to report that the warnings are gone.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-26878) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 24.5 update also available on NuGet.

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just to clarify.
I have completely removed the reference to Aspose.Words and to SkiaSharp.
Adding again the latest version 24.5 no more references to SkiaSharp are added. Is this correct?
Kind regards

@WileECoyoteIT Yes, this is correct. Now if it is required to support WebP format it is required to install SkiaSharp separately. If SkiaSharp is not installed, Aspose.Words functions normally except that WebP format is not supported.

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